Saturday, January 25, 2020
Spirit Of Enquiry Is Vital To Human Fulfilment Philosophy Essay
Spirit Of Enquiry Is Vital To Human Fulfilment Philosophy Essay The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein Humans are by nature curious and enquiring beings. We are also rarely able to be content in the state in which we find ourselves, as there is always something not possessed or obtainable, something we are not fully aware of that we still desire. As we go about our daily lives we experience and actively seek the unknown. Indeed it is generally accepted that enquiry and curiosity generally leads to overwhelmingly positive experiences as opposed to continuing blindly with the mundane nature of everyday life. There is indeed much to be said for searching out new and exciting experiences, giving us a fuller perspective and a greater insight into the world around us. Scientists identify the spirit of enquiry as being synonymous to scientific temper most scientific discoveries, after all, were conceived in the spirit of enquiry. However, is this mental attitude crucial for human satisfaction and fulfilment? The quest for human fulfilment is one which to this day remains largely unsolved; there is of course no correct way to live ones life, otherwise we would all be satisfied. Human fulfilment is difficult to define but for me it represents, at its core, a basic feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Three things which I believe are absolutely paramount to this feeling of fulfilment are: successful relationships, achieving ones aims, and discovery self-discovery or otherwise. These are all inter-linked without venturing into some realm of the unknown, how can we ever have new experiences, achieve ones desires or meet other like-minded people? Enquiry is absolutely essential in leading us to the most fulfilling experiences of our lives, whether it is discovering and reading a book which inspires you to change your life, visiting an entirely new country and immersing yourself in its cultures and traditions or making an important scientific discovery. Whilst some scientific advances have been achieved purely by chance (e.g. the discovery of Penicillin) most require a questioning, seeking mind and perseverance at the highest level. Today science does not tend to advance by chance humans are at such a level of understanding (through our continuation of efforts) that we must in general use a trial and error basis for research, which is where intelligence and our basic feelings of curiosity are hugely important. In a similar way, it is generally accepted that in todays economic climate, a good education is of paramount importance. In a world where places for further education and where jobs are scarce, universities and prospective employers are increasingly looking for individuals who demonstrate this very spirit of enquiry. People who throw themselves into lots of different things are far more appealing than those who do not take advantage of their situation and do not actively seek new experiences; this is because an active and enquiring mind is present in an adaptable, versatile and intelligent individual. Thus, it is conducive to human fulfilment in the sense that it facilitates transition into the working world. Equally vital however is the ability to focus the mind, and not fall into the trap of becoming a jack of all trades, as leaving quests or pursuits unfinished can be the least fulfilling and most tragic thing of all. As well as its rather superficial economic benefits (ease of finding a job etc), an enquiring and curious mind is in my opinion a lot more content than an intellectually apathetic one however, according to various polls, only a small proportion of Americans own passports (the Guardian estimates the number at 22%). Although this is not a definitive sign that they are not mentally inquisitive, it does suggest some of them have little interest in leaving the safety and comfort of their country. However this does not apparently adversely affect their happiness according to a survey from, 84% of Americans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their personal life at this time, while 14% are dissatisfied. In this case, those surveyed feel fulfilled without having to take the leap of leaving their country. There is obviously a significant defence to the argument that only through intellectual curiosity we can be truly fulfilled. However I believe that the more basic intelligence one has, the more one will naturally feel the instinct to explore and to enquire. Those who do will often become enriched by the wealth of knowledge and personal experience gained, and those who dont will either continue unaware of what the world holds and not mind while the rest will undoubtedly feel unfulfilled. There is of course an argument that in some cases, ignorance is bliss. I strongly believe that todays current state of general hysteria (particularly with regard to health and crime) is in some part caused the media whether its claims be misinformed or otherwise, I believe that (warnings about genuine and formidable dangers aside) some things are better left unsaid. Scaremongering the public about the possible carcinogenic properties of everyday foods or the pervasiveness of violent crime is not particularly constructive; it is hard to focus on the things which really matter in life and seek fulfilment in an atmosphere of chronic paranoia in some ways, a more relaxed approach to daily life would be more beneficial to the human spirit. However, I strongly believe that on a more basic level, humans must continue to search spiritually, scientifically and personally if there is any hope for happiness and fulfilment. There is a danger that if we let the important aspects of our lives be pushed aside by apathy and ignorance, we run the risk of losing sight of these things entirely, which would be a tragedy as friendship, love and discovery are the sole paths to human fulfilment and being happy, which in the end is arguably the most important thing we can ever hope to be.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Communication Barriers
Eliminating Barriers to Cross-Cultural Communication through Curricular Interventions By David Dankwa-Apawu (Lecturer) Ghana Institute of Journalism P. O. Box GP 667 Accra, Ghana +233208704133 +233302228336 [emailà protected] co. uk 1 ABSTRACT With the world fast becoming a global village, communicating across cultures has become an inevitable reality. On one hand, cross-cultural communication or intercultural communication presents a fine opportunity to foster global peace and prosperity as we mine the potential value of cultural diversity. Also read: Explain the Importance of Ensuring That Communication Equipment is Correctly Set UpOn the other hand, it can present unpleasant consequences if not well managed. The latter seems more prevalent in our world today as a result of the barriers cultural diversity imposes on intercultural communication. Intercultural or cross-cultural communication barriers such as anxiety, uncertainty, stereotyping, and ethnocentrism are caused by inadequate cultural knowledge and the lack of intercultural communicative skills. Eliminating these barriers will require adequate training in intercultural communication and exposure to cultures outside ours.The school provides the best motivation, structures, and resources for training or socializing our younger generation therefore this paper proposes a number of curricular interventions the school can implement to equip learners to overcome intercultural communication barriers. These interventions include the adoption of multicultural education i n our schools, the introduction of literature and cultural studies as subjects, the use of communicative language teaching approach in teaching language, and the use of the new media in the classroom.The justification (for these interventions) presented in this paper is drawn mainly from published accounts and exploratory ethnographic studies. INTRODUCTION Intercultural communication or cross-cultural communication is a relatively new field of study, yet it has generated a lot of interest. Research in this area has been diverse yet interdisciplinary, making it possible to link intercultural communication to a broad spectrum of disciplines such business, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and psychology. Studies in intercultural 2 ommunication gained prominence after efforts by anthropologists and linguists like Hall and Lado to link language, culture, and communication (Kramsch, 2001). Initial research in the area focused on developing guidelines or principles for training people who were engaged in multinational businesses, international diplomacy, and missionary activities (Kramsch, 2001). Today, however, many new grounds, in terms of research approaches, have been broken, and more and more theories have been developed to deepen our understanding of intergroup communication.For instance, through various studies it has been possible to distinguish between intercultural and cross-cultural communication, with the former focussing on face-to-face communication between people of different national cultures while the latter involves the comparison of face-to-face communication across cultures (Gudykunst and Mody, 2001). But these two areas are two sides of a coin, and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably (Kramsch, 2001).More than the pioneering work of early researchers, global dynamics have remarkably made the field of cross-cultural or intercultural communication attractive. Today there is rapid internationalization of every institution and system in our world: school, religion, business, governance, and so on. This rapid globalisation, being fuelled by unprecedented technological advancement in transport and telecommunication, means people of different cultural backgrounds are increasingly getting close to one another to maximise the value cultural diversity offers.But as we get face-to-face with people of different cultural backgrounds the challenge of dealing with our cultural differences and harnessing the potential benefits of cultural diversity becomes enormous. Cultural differences have significant impact on our intercultural communication. They are the source of misunderstanding, misinterpretation, 3 anxiety, and uncertainty, which ultimately result in miscommunication (Stephan and Stephan, 2002:127; Gudykunst, 2002; Gudykunst and Lee, 2002).Studies in intercultural or cross-cultural communication are helping shape many facets of our human interaction by drawing attention to the characteristics of verbal and nonverbal be haviour across cultures, the impact of culture in constructing meaning, the structure and communicative goals of discourses, and factors that influence our ability, or otherwise, to interact and interpret discourse (Kramsch, 2001). Theories and empirical studies in intercultural communication have had serious implications for social action and social change (Rogers and Hart, 2002:14).It is the purpose of this paper to justify the inclusion of activities that promote intercultural training in school curriculums. This paper proposes a number of activities or interventions the school can implement to help learners deal with the barriers inherent in intercultural communication, and eventually equip them to be effective communicators. The justification presented in this paper is drawn mainly from published accounts and exploratory ethnographic studies.KEY CONCEPTS Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Communication In studying intercultural communication many researchers have attempt ed to conceptualise culture and communication from various perspectives in order to appreciate their interrelationship. Generally, culture is conceptualised as a shared way of life collectively developed and shared by a group of people and transmitted from generation to generation (Tubbs 4 and Moss, 1994).Culture embodies many complex elements such as beliefs, values, language, political systems, and tools which together give a group its code or characteristics (Griffin, 2000; Tubbs and Moss, 1994). This code is not imposed by one individual or an external body. Rather, it is ââ¬Å"socially constructedâ⬠(by members that make up the group) and ââ¬Å"historically transmittedâ⬠(Philipsen, 1992, cited in Griffin, 2000:390). More significantly, culture is owned by a group of people who by consensus accept and share a common code, verbal or nonverbal, reflective of specific values, beliefs, customs, and so on (Barnet and Lee, 2002).Goodenough (1964) views culture not in term s of things or behaviour but in terms of a picture of things a people form in their minds, and their models for perceiving, relating, and interpreting things and behaviour (cited in Barnet and Lee, 2002:276). The convergence one could draw from all these definitions is the fact that each group is bound by a certain unique way of doing things and interpreting things or behaviour. Communication, though variously defined, generally describes a process by which information is exchanged among two or more people in a given context.Ultimately, this process of exchanging information is bound by a purpose: that is, to reduce uncertainty and develop a common understanding among the interactants (Barnett and Lee, 2002). Intercultural communication is thus ââ¬Å"the exchange of information between well-defined groups of people with significantly different culturesâ⬠(Barnett and Lee, 2002:277). The process is quite complex in the sense that this exchange of information takes place in a co ntext which is a fusion of significantly different systems. The process also requires conscious attempts by each party at reducing ââ¬Å"uncertainty about the future behaviour of the other party through an increase in understanding of the other groupâ⬠(Barnett and Lee, 2002:277; Gudykunst, 2002). Clearly, cultural variability (the extent to which cultures differ) is key to any conceptualization of intercultural communication. Various studies have examined cultural variability at the level of power distribution (or power distance), uncertainty avoidance, gender roles, face negotiation, individualism-collectivism, and others (Gudykunst and Lee, 2002; Griffin, 2000).One popular conclusion is that cultural variability is the main predictor of how successful one can be in any intercultural communication encounter. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Gudykunstââ¬â¢s Anxiety and Uncertainty Management Model Gudykunst and associates developed the anxiety and uncertainty management theory to exp lain what happens when we communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds. The theory suggests that when interlocutors of different cultural backgrounds clash in face-to-face interactions, they are confronted with uncertainty (which Gudykunst describes as cognitive) and anxiety (affective) (Griffin, 2000:396).The uncertainty describes our inability to explain actions and reactions of the ââ¬Å"strangersâ⬠we communicate with. It demonstrates how unsure we are about the interpretations we impute on the behaviour of the people we communicate with (Griffin, 2000). Anxiety, on the other hand, portrays our feeling of uneasiness and apprehension about what might happen in the intercultural communication encounter. The extent to which we are influenced by anxiety and uncertainty would determine how effective we would be in our intercultural communication (Gudykunst, 2000). 6Although anxiety and uncertainty exert some influence on intra-group communication, their impact is p rofound in intercultural communication. Anxiety and uncertainty filter the mutual understanding that must exist to make any communication encounter successful. But anxiety and uncertainty are not entirely negative. Rather they compel us to approach our communication with a level of ââ¬Å"mindfulnessâ⬠, a deliberate thought over the communication process. In our state of uncertainty and uneasiness, we constantly become conscious of our choices and in the long run manage the communication situations to minimise misunderstanding.In intercultural communication anxiety and uncertainty are heighten by cultural variability. If the differences between cultures are profound, anxiety and uncertainty would increase when members of the different cultural groups engage in intercultural communication. In a schematic representation Gudykunst demonstrates the underlying causes of uncertainty and anxiety as motivational, knowledge and skill factors. For this paper these factors offer relevant support for the need to incorporate various interventions into our school curriculum to train learners in intercultural communication.The skill factors include our ability to empathise, tolerate ambiguities, adapt communication, and gather appropriate information. Knowledge of more than one perspective, similarities and differences, alternative interpretations are some of the knowledge factors relevant for effective intercultural communication. The motivational factors are needs, attraction, social bonds and openness to information. Clearly, all these factors are not divorced from the traditional aims of education for which schools are established. Fundamentally society has vested in the school the responsibility of 7 quipping the young generation with skills, knowledge, and the right motivation for dealing with personal and societal challenges (Sadker and Sadker, 2003: 140; Ornstein, 1995). It is therefore not out of place if the school realigns its curriculum to accommodate interv entions that would train young people in intercultural communication, a growing challenge in this globalised world. Through curricular interventions proposed in this paper learners would acquire the requisite skills, knowledge, and motivation to manage their intercultural communication in more effective ways. Training in ntercultural, among other things, exposes learners to barriers such as anxiety, uncertainty, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism inherent in intercultural communication and equips learners with skills such as mindfulness necessary for managing intercultural communication. This theory strongly support the need for training in intercultural communication and in my view the school has the space, time, orientation, and resources to offer such training. Communicative Competence Hymes (1972) developed the theory of communicative competence to establish a link between language and culture (Richards and Rogers, 1986:69).This theory asserts that both linguistic knowledge and soci ocultural or contextual knowledge are prerequisites for any effective intercultural communication (Richards and Rogers, 1986:69). Communicative competence highlights the view that language and culture are inseparable. Therefore linguistic competence should go along with a commensurate cultural competence, that is, one described as communicatively competent must have both linguistic and cultural competence.Linguistic competence is demonstrated in the grammatical knowledge one possesses, such as knowledge of words, phrases, and sentences and rules governing their combination in discourse. Cultural competence, on the other hand, focuses on the cultural propriety of linguistic choices in a real 8 communication encounter. Different social situations require different routines that are culturally defined. The competent communicator chooses the appropriate linguistic forms that meet the cultural expectation of the context in which the communication takes place.In some contexts in Ghana, fo r instance, ââ¬Å"Pleaseâ⬠is a polite marker not just for requests but all forms of speech acts or discourse, especially with adults. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear expressions like ââ¬Å"Please, Good morning,â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, Please,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Please, my name is Kofiâ⬠. The speaker with communicative competence would have to vary his routines to meet the differences in cultural expectations. If the same communicator meets a native British the above use of ââ¬Å"Pleaseâ⬠would be avoided.The theory of communicative competence lends enough credence to the call for training in intercultural communication in our schools through direct and indirect curricular interventions. Traditionally, our school system has focused on training learners to acquire grammatical knowledge. This paper calls for a commensurate training in contextual competence. Such competence will include knowledge of the different expectations different cultural contexts impose on diff erent communication situations. This knowledge is vital in reducing anxiety and uncertainty which are inherent barriers in intercultural communication.Recent studies in intercultural communication strongly support the need for intercultural training of employees, both domestic and international, in areas of cultural diversity and intercultural communication (Albert, 1994). The position of this paper is that the school (from the basic to the tertiary levels) is a better placed to offer this training. 9 BARRIERS TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Misunderstanding is the ultimate barrier to communication (Griffin, 2000:394). Communication is said to have taken place when interlocutors have been able to reach some common interpretation of their intentions.Even in intra-group communication it is almost impossible to reach absolute understanding. This makes inter-group or inter-cultural communication even more challenging. The existence of cultural variability is in itself a barrier to interc ultural communication. When cultures are widely apart or different, it means the level of cultural variability is high, resulting in high levels of anxiety and uncertainty, which ultimately bring tension and misunderstanding into the intercultural communication situation. To illustrate: I gave a gift to a colleague who came from a different cultural background.My expectation was an extended response of appreciation from him. My disappointment was with the left hand with which he took the gift and the brief appreciation he expressed. He didnââ¬â¢t like, or he didnââ¬â¢t value it. I was worried he would not be nice towards me again. All these interpretations I made reflected my uncertainty about his actions and my anxiety reflected my worry and apprehensions about what might happened. My cultural context reflects a high context type in which more attention is given to interpreting non-verbal behaviours.By sharp contrast my colleague belonged to a low cultural context which stres ses direct and explicit communication, that is, verbal messages are vital in a communication process. 10 Mistranslation Barriers to verbal communication include cultural mistranslation (Tubbs and Moss, 1994). This is common in second and foreign language context. Scholars are divided over how such mistranslation should be perceived (Kachru, 1990). While some have described mistranslation in derogatory terms like ââ¬Å"interferenceâ⬠and ââ¬Å"sub-standard formsâ⬠, others have perceived them as innovations which reflect cultural dynamics.But the reality is that in intercultural communication mistranslation undermines understanding. Literal translation such as ââ¬Å"I am going to comeâ⬠instead of ââ¬Å"I shall returnâ⬠can be sources of misunderstanding. Expressions such as ââ¬Å"I am going to greet the kingâ⬠or ââ¬Å"to the white houseâ⬠or ââ¬Å"to the end roomâ⬠(meaning ââ¬Å"I am going to the toiletâ⬠) are cultural innovations tha t can be sources of misunderstanding in inter cultural communication. Norms and Roles Norms are culturally defined rules for determining acceptable and appropriate behaviour (Tubbs and Moss, 1994).They include those that govern social situations and conversational routines such as greetings, making requests, and expressing various emotions. In intercultural communication interlocutors may be tempted to transfer their cultural norms to contexts that are not appropriate (Richards and Sukwiwat, 1983). Roles are also sources of cultural variability. Roles are sets of norms applicable to specific groups of people in society. In a particular culture, different roles are assigned to men and women, children and parents/guardians, usbands and wives, and so on. In some Ghanaian contexts women are expected to kneel while talking to men; subjects cannot talk directly to a chief except through linguists. Violations of these roles may pose serious threats to intercultural communication. 11 Belief s and Values Beliefs and values impede understanding in intercultural communication. Some interlocutors will not be forthright with information on personal ambition, finances, and career plans because of their beliefs, especially beliefs that assert strong influence of the supernatural on man.Beliefs in witchcraft, for instance, would scare people from giving out personal information to strangers. On the other hand, people would usually readily communicate their values and feelings, especially when such values are being disrespected. Stereotyping Stereotypes are our value judgements about people (Pang, 2001:114). They are born out of our inadequate information about people, making us make unintelligent choices in our intercultural communication. Cultural stereotypes, like any other type of stereotypes, hinder understanding because they exaggerate or overgeneralize what we perceive about people (Tubbs and Moss, 1994).Overgeneralised thoughts result in misinterpretation of actions, th us heightening anxiety, which is a threat to understanding. Almost everyone imposes one stereotype or the other on individuals or groups of people. Stereotypes can be favourable or unfavourable to a group (Pang, 2001). Some stereotypes include perceiving some groups as quick tempered, dishonest, smart, and liars. Generally, stereotypes are born out of our fear of the group we stereotype or the lack of knowledge of the group, or misconceptions, or high levels of cultural variability (Pang, 2001).The media is unfortunately perceived as a strong promoter of stereotypes (Tubbs and Moss, 1994; Pang, 2001). This is because the media is a major source of information about foreigners or strangers. As we watch movies or international news we form exaggerated opinions about the 12 groups represented. Usually the amount of information we gather is limited thus leading us to form such inadequate conclusions. Dispelling stereotypes seems almost impossible, and in intercultural communication the challenge to dispel stereotypes is even more profound.However, since stereotypes are born out of inadequate cultural information or experience of other cultures, cultural awareness and intercultural training can be helpful in dealing with cultural stereotypes. Ethnocentrism Our own cultural experience inadvertently causes us to feel that culture is innate. Hence we are forced to feel or think that our groupââ¬â¢s way of life is the standard against which all other groupsââ¬â¢ culture should be assessed. Therefore any contrary code or behaviour is considered improper or irresponsible or politically motivated (Hall, 1976, cited in Tubbs and Moss, 1994:443).This tendency to judge the code of other cultures by using our culture as the standard is described as ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism creeps into intercultural communication to filter understanding by heightening anxiety, which, as shown, is a threat to understanding (Stephan and Stephan, 1992). The higher the level of ethnocent rism, the higher the level of anxiety. Cross-cultural awareness is can go a long way to reduce ethnocentrism and, invariably, anxiety and enhance our capacity to handle intercultural communication in effective ways.CURRICULA INTERVENTIONS Curriculum refers to the totality of the experience the school offers learners. It includes both planned and unplanned activities, the physical and socio-cultural environment which impact directly or indirectly on the learner. This paper proposes that the school, through its curriculum, make conscious efforts at promoting intercultural training. Below are the interventions proposed: 13 Multicultural Education With the world shrinking into a global village, nations, businesses, schools, organizations, and our societies at large are becoming culturally diverse (Spring, 2002).On daily basis we are compelled by globalization to interact or relate with people of different cultural origin. To deal with the challenges of cultural diversity there is the ne ed for our schools to adopt the multicultural educational approach. Multicultural education is not just accommodation different cultures in a school setting. Rather multicultural education aims at providing an enabling school environment which equips learners to function in other culture without losing ties with their original culture (Spring, 2002).A multicultural school environment brings together learners of different cultural background for the purpose of equipping them with skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will make them functional both to themselves and to the larger society. Such settings are better posed to respond more effectively to children of different cultural backgrounds and exploit those differences as foundations on which new learning can be built (Tozer, Violas, and Senese 2001). Multicultural education directly or indirectly equips learners to be able to manage the uncertainty and anxiety that usually characterise intercultural communication.Gudykunstââ¬â¢s axiom 37 asserts that when we share a common objective with strangers our anxiety levels decrease and we are able to build the needed confidence in predicting their behaviour. At the very superficial level, just putting together people of different cultural origin under the common goal of schooling or education would help reduce misunderstanding that usually comes from uncertainty and anxiety (Griffin, 200:401) 14 A multicultural curriculum offers an excellent educational environment for learners to learn more about people of other cultures, thus reducing stereotypes and ethnocentric tendencies.Stereotypes results from limited experience or information about other cultures. If learners get to experience other learners of different cultural backgrounds they learn more about their cultures. In Ghana, until recently, secondary schools and colleges were characterised by students of different cultural backgrounds. This provided real opportunities for students to appreciate the cultural diversity of the country. Though each school was culturally diverse there existed a strong common bound in each school, especially during inter collegiate competitions.Here diversity well managed brings unity. This situation is unfortunately being replaced by I proposed that when community schools, which are generally culturally homogenous. community schools are established educational systems should promote diversity in the positing of students to school and colleges. Cultural Studies Not long ago, cultural studies was a subject in basic schools in Ghana and learners were exposed to the diverse cultural groups in the country. Beneficiaries of this curriculum acquired basic knowledge of the different cultural groups.They had the opportunity to acquire, among other things, knowledge of conventional routine differences, differences in political institutions and values. A unique feature of the cultural studies curriculum was the approach. Teachers were encouraged to use resource person s in their communities. These were indigenes of the cultures being represented or taught. Again, role plays, field trips and audio visual materials were included in the teaching methods of the subject.Cultural studies provided a platform for learners to juxtapose their culture with others in order to appreciate the diversity and its prospects, especially in this age of globalisation. 15 Cultural knowledge reduces ââ¬Å"cultural shockâ⬠which sometimes leads to negative attitude towards a new culture (DeVito, 2002). Gudykunstââ¬â¢s axiom 41 supports the view that an increase in our knowledge of strangersââ¬â¢ language and culture will produce an increase in our ability to manage our anxiety and an increase in our ability to accurately predict their behaviour (Griffin, 2000:400).Certainly there are enough reasons for the inclusion of cultural studies in our school curriculum. The Study of Literature Literature as a discipline provides an ideal opportunity to integrate cult ural content into the school curriculum (Pang, 2001:224). While providing delight and enjoyment, literature sharpens our imaginations and offers us a vicarious experience in the world we live in (Huck, Helper, Hickman, and Kiefer, 2001:8). Literature offers us the fastest, cheapest, but the most thrilling cruise around the world. The experience we enjoy in literatures is timeless as we read from across the globe.We can also travel as far back as the era of Beowulf, Sophocles, Chaucer, and Shakespeare or fly into the year 2044 in Welwyn Wilton Katzââ¬â¢s Time Ghost. In all these experiences literature offers a unique approach to learning about the culture of people in different parts of the world, how their culture existed, how it is evolving, and how it may change with time. Texts which portray authentic intercultural interactions provide readers with the motivation, knowledge, and skills to overcome anxiety, uncertainty, and other barriers of intercultural communication.The Comp rehensiveness of literature experience provides meaningful ways of reducing stereotyping and ethnocentric tendencies. 16 Language Teaching and Learning Traditional language curriculums focus on grammatical competence while communicative competence suffers neglect. Products of such curriculums usually display high competence in linguistic knowledge but lack requisite skills in handling authentic communication (Dzamishie, 1997; Richards and Rogers, 1986; Richards and Sukwiwat, 1983). What they lack is a basic understanding of the socio-cultural function of language.In second and foreign language learning contexts the challenge has always been which model learners should be exposed to and which language culture should be emphasised. Of course it makes sense to adopt the target or native speaker model, with all the cultural attachments, as medium of instruction. But such a choice without recourse to the changing communication needs of learners will not be appropriate. To address the dil emma of which model to use, Norrish (1978) calls for a liberalisation of views on non standard language varieties. The English language, for instance, has metamorphosed into several Englishes.Therefore, ââ¬Å"to teach only one form of English would seem to be asking for a conflict between the different Englishes in use. â⬠(Norrish 1978:35). The most meaningful approach then is to ââ¬Å"consider the different uses of English in a particular countryâ⬠(Norrish, 1978:35). The question should be: Which models will serve the communication needs of learners? If learners need English to communicate with native speakers, then the native model should be taught. Similarly, if learners would largely communicate in a typical Ghanaian context, for instance, then the Ghanaian model, with its cultural innovations, should be the model.In so far as it is possible, more than one model should be taught. This is the poly-model Norrish proposes. The poly-model exposes 17 learners to the cul ture behind language. It emphasises socio-cultural or contextual awareness in communication especially between inter-groups. Concerning approach, the communicative language teaching model is popular today (Richards and Rogers, 1986; Dzameshie 1997). This approach focuses on communicative competence. Its curriculum is experience-based and learner-centred (Richards and Rogers, 1986).The content generally includes ââ¬Å"well-selected experiencesâ⬠that reflect the real life or authentic communication needs of learners (Richard and Rogers, 1986). The value of this approach in intercultural communication is the experience the language curriculum offers. Communicative language teaching addresses learnersââ¬â¢ language needs, equipping them to communicate effectively in a world of cultural diversity. The New Media in the classroom The digital age is not only making it easier and faster for us to get closer to each other, it is also making it possible for us to see and know what ot hers are doing.The new media in the classroom provides learners with a window through which they can see people of other cultures. Through virtual tours to places of different cultural backgrounds, documentaries, interviews, and social sites, learners bridge the gap of knowledge they know about people on the other side of their culture. The prospects are tremendous but the challenges are enormous. The digital divide is still too wide for us to be able to explore other cultures. In many developing countries access to the new media is still a luxury. 18IMPLICATIONS The inclusion of intercultural training in our school curriculum is worthwhile for our schools, and the world of work, which are fast becoming culturally diverse. Unfortunately many students, teachers, and school authorities are being frustrated by the diversity invading the school. Training learners and educators to deal with the barriers diversity creates in their intercultural relationships will transform our schools int o peaceful and conducive learning and working environments while preparing learners to face the communication realities in the world outside the school.Intercultural training will certainly link the school with industry or the world of work. If the school provides adequate intercultural training through various curricular activities, it will reduce the cultural shock learners are bound to face after school. Although many disciplines are craving for attention and inclusion in our school curriculum and curriculum developers are overwhelmed by what should be where at what time and with what resource, the best decision lies in counting the cost, weighing the options available and taking bold political and socio-economic steps.Implementing these curricula interventions would involve the realignment of the school curriculum, bearing in mind various needs and interests. In this case there should be a clear policy framework that will guide design, implantation, and evaluation of the new cur riculum being proposed. Again, there would be the need to adequately resources our schools to accommodate the changes proposed. CONCLUSION This paper has proposed that the school curriculum provide space for activities that will train learners to overcome barriers inherent in intercultural communication.There could be many other interventions, but what this paper seeks to suggest is that interventions through the school 19 curriculum should be the first option. Neither educational level nor geographical boundaries are specified in this paper. This is born out of the belief that intercultural relation or communication is real and knows no limits. This paper has provided justification for the inclusion in our school curriculum training in intercultural communication. The next challenge that should attract the attention of researchers is how to design, implement, and evaluate the propose curricula change.REFERENCES Albert, R. D. (1994). Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Training in Multinational Organizations. In Wiseman, R. L. and Shuter, R. (eds. ) Communicating in Multinational Organizations. 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Thursday, January 9, 2020
An Ideal Hero Greek vs. Roman Essay - 1527 Words
Evans HUM 2210 REVIEW SHEET EXAM 1 LISTS 1. Features that identify a society as civilized a. Agriculture (irrigation) and breeding of animals = surplus food (goats, peig, cattle, sheep). Wheat, barley, rice, and maize.(SciTech- polish stone tools. Ex: stone sickles) b. Cities: large apartment settlements= standard architecture surplus manpower c. Writing (ââ¬Å"gifts of the godsâ⬠)= records. Pictograph, ideogram, cuneiform. d. Institutions for centralized inherited power . - Priesthood for centralized sacred ritual . - Kingship for centralized political and social structure (Paraoh= kings in Egypt) . 2. Geographical areas of early civilizationsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Truth is painful. c. Logic: Aristotle - Student of Plato, founded school in Athens, 335 B.C. - Organized natural sciences into biology, zoology, botany - Theory of Universals: Inductive Science: Universals discovered from particulars, therefore studying the material world can (only) produce universals/ absolutes. Platoââ¬â¢s dualism devalued study of material world. - Deductive/Formal Logic for ethics and science Hellenistic: a. Epicuranism - Founder: Epicurus (341-271 B.C.) - Atomist: all matter made up of atoms so all forms are random; no controls - No afterlife: death= end; no judgment - Absolute free will: each creates own destiny; absolute individuality - Goal of life: Pleasure (hedone hedonism) *individual pleasure - society would crush Pleasure: absence of pain. Pain unsatisfied desires. Minimal desires Peace pleasure; harmony = agreement between desires and fulfillment. Life of Moderation (Ex: cr edit card vs. cash budget). b. Stoicism *Resistance cause pain, learn to live the Stoic life. - Founder: Zeno (334-262 B.C.) - Social Logos (=Heraclitus): All natural and society controlled by reason. The destiny of one is the FOR THE GOOD OF THE WHOLE. Happiness Show MoreRelated The Source and Cause of Violent Tendencies in Humans Essay4060 Words à |à 17 Pagesin which being male does not mean a preoccupation with toughness and staying in control but includes the full range of openly expressed human feelings, including nurturing and caringâ⬠(Adams). World War I was a chance for young men to try and be the hero and fulfill ââ¬Å"the desire to prove their manhoodâ⬠(Mosse 24). One example of gender division that can be seen today is childrenââ¬â¢s toys; young boys get G-I Joe action figures and play rough sports, while young girls get Barbie dolls and play house orRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words à |à 47 Pagesï⠷ dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past Genre/Style: ï⠷ ï⠷ ï⠷ ï⠷ highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style Effect: ï⠷ common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: ï⠷ ï⠷ ï⠷ overwhelming technologicalRead MoreMasculinity in the Philippines12625 Words à |à 51 Pagesonly did mass conscription produce soldiers, it also shaped gender roles in the wider society. To prepare every male for military service, European nations constructed a stereotype of men as courageous, honorable, and physically formed on borrowed Greek standards of male beauty. By the 1920s, women were, through this century-long process, transformed into static immutable symbols in order to command the attention of truly masculine men.I4 Rhetoric of Colonial Masculinity Although the AmericanRead MoreExistentialism vs Essentialism23287 Words à |à 94 Pages------------------------------------------------- Essentialism vs. Existentialism Essentialism: A belief that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are, amp; that the task of science and philosophy is their discovery amp; expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence While, Existentialism:A philosophical theory or approach, that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free amp; responsibleRead MoreThe Philosophy of Happiness11705 Words à |à 47 Pageshappiness?ââ¬â¢ was Aristotle, who, in a manner typical of philosophers, before providing an answer insisted on making a distinction between two different questions. His first question was what was meant by the word ââ¬Ëhappinessââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬âor rather, its ancient Greek equivalent eudaimonia. His second question was where happiness was to be found, that is to say, what is it that makes us truly happy. Reasonably enough he thought that it was futile to try to answer the second question without having given thoughtRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words à |à 316 Pagesinnovative translation is the word significate now usually translated by signified (signifià © in French)ââ¬âwhich is used throughout the text. Langue and parole have increasingly been translated by language and speech, although this is not an ideal solution. Dà ©couper, translated by Taylor in a number of ways (break up, break down analysis, etc.), would more easily be translated by segmenting when used in the linguistic sense, and by dà ©coupage when used to describe the final stage of a shootingRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words à |à 846 Pagesare purveyors of ideas about what accounting should be. In response, users of accounting information, management accounting professionals, and system designers may seek to alter the information provided within their organizations to align with such ideals. In this sense, internal accounting changes may be driven by demand-level needs as well as supply-side inXuences. Moreover, forces reXecting broader changes both in structures and processes in businesses, organizations, and society and in contemporaryRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words à |à 922 PagesTable 9.1 Table 9.2 Table 9.3 Table 10.1 Table 10.2 Knowledge constituting philosophical assumptions Hierarchy of science and organization theory Fatalism and optimism in the ââ¬Ënewââ¬â¢ modernist organization Bellââ¬â¢s stages of societal development Fordism vs. post-fordism The incidence of part-time work in European Union member states Modernism versus postmodernism Affirmative versus sceptical postmodernism The changing condition of knowledge Pay and profits: Long run performance of FTSE 100 companies (2002Read MoreLibrary Management204752 Words à |à 820 Pagesknowledge and experience is remarkably close to our current understanding of it. The Greek influence on scientific management is revealed in their writings; for example, Plato wrote about specialization, and Socrates described management issues.3 In ancient Rome, the complexity of a huge empire demanded the use of management techniques. In fact, much of the secret of the Roman Empireââ¬â¢s success lay in the ability of the Romans to organize work and people f or the cause. Many ancient leaders were not onlyRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pages the UN Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (1966). These covenants went into effect in 1976, after the minimum of thirty-five states had ratified them. It had taken nearly three decades for the ideals in the Universal Declaration to become a binding fixture of international law. The covenants were hardly the last word. The formation of so many new states out of the territories of Europeââ¬â¢s colonial empires brought additional, insistent voices
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Domestic Violence s Impact On A Person - 1429 Words
Domestic Violence s Impact Upon A Person Not all people think about domestic violence but for a large amount of people it is an everyday hell. Most people have the privilege of going about their day carefree of who they will see at a time during that day, while others are fearful of seeing one or more people throughout their day. Domestic violence also know as partner abuse is a series of abusive patterns that are between two people, most commonly spouses. Emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse are all forms of domestic violence.Not only are adults exposed to this kind of violence but as well as kids and teenagers. According to author Alanna Vagianos ââ¬Å" 70, [is] the percentage of women worldwide who will experience physical and/or sexual abuse by an intimate partner during their lifetimesâ⬠(np). With this being said it is clean that domestic violence is well known and very common, it is not something that happens to just a handful of people. Based on many stud ies, it is clear that domestic violenceââ¬â¢s impact upon a person is very negative, specifically damaging their self esteem and general mental health. Domestic Violence is something that is very stressful, to constantly have that large amount of stress on your shoulders it is going to add up and cause some problems with your mental health. ââ¬Å"Domestic violence victims face high rates of depression...and other emotional distressâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Domestic Violence: Statistics and Factsâ⬠np). Depression causes many things inShow MoreRelatedThe Issue of Domestic Violence and Abuse1204 Words à |à 5 Pagesof her own family. (C,J Newton, 2011) Domestic Violence and Abuse can be defined as threatening behavior or controlling behavior and violence of those over the age of 16 whom have been or who are an intimate partner or family member. The abuse can consist of: psychological, emotional, sexual, financial and physical. (GOV.UK, 2013). The main themes of this argument are the political and social attitudes of the subject and how the trends of Domestic Violence and Abuse persuade communities and individualsRead MorePersonal Religious And Cultural Beliefs And Values754 Words à |à 4 PagesBelief systems. The decision for a person to stay or flee a domestic violence situation often is determined by their personal religious and cultural beliefs and values. The person believes that marriage is a union of God and divorce or separation is wrong. Instead they believe that all things can be worked out through the power of prayer. They believe the children need their father and divorce would hurt the children emotionally. Economic dependence on the abuser Many women caught up in abusiveRead MoreDomestic Violence and Children1640 Words à |à 7 PagesDefinitions Domestic Violence Defined Citation: ARS: 13-3601 Domestic violence includes: Ã⢠Any act that is a dangerous crime against children Ã⢠Endangerment Ã⢠Threatening or intimidating act Ã⢠Assault Ã⢠Custodial interference Ã⢠Unlawful imprisonment or kidnaping Ã⢠Criminal trespass Ã⢠Harassment or stalking Ã⢠Child or vulnerable adult abuse Persons Included in Definition: Ã⢠A spouse or former spouse Ã⢠Persons residing or having resided in the same household Ã⢠Persons having a childRead MoreWomen During The Hispanic Culture Essay995 Words à |à 4 Pages2012). Domestic violence is an issue that has not been given much attention in the Hispanic culture as it is seen as a norm. Domestic violence is defined ââ¬Å"as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partnerâ⬠( Hispanics are affected more than the non-Hispanic populations when it comes to the consequences domestic violence brings and also the constant occurrence of domestic violence in theRead MoreDomestic Violence Has A Negative Impact On Children1568 Words à |à 7 PagesOpen your eyes: Domestic violence has a negative impact on children. Being 8 years old and growing up witnessing domestic violence in my household was hard. ââ¬Å"About 70% of domestic violence between couples goes unreported (S.N)â⬠The reason the rate is so high is because fear overcomes the victim. The lack of someone being able to sit down and talk without being scared of getting home and getting beaten by their partner is bad, the reason of not being able to just sit down and talk to someone justRead MoreChildren s Witnessing Of Adult Domestic Violence1449 Words à |à 6 PagesChildrenââ¬â¢s Witnessing of Adult Domestic Violence A Summary of the Literature Mia-Tiara Hall HDFM 2533 April 24, 2015 Prairie View AM University Children witnessing adult domestic violence can be traumatizing. It places them in a temporary mindset of confusion of whatââ¬â¢s actually taking place. Children have the mindset that home is a safe haven and that ââ¬Å"Mommyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Daddyâ⬠are their protectors, their heroes to some. So it becomes strange to them when they see their mother and father involvedRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence And Domestic Violence1098 Words à |à 5 PagesREMINGTON COLLEGES INC. Intimate Partner Violence Domestic violence Cheyannica Newson 12/16/2014 ââ¬Æ' What is intimate partner violence? Intimate partner violence is when a partner is physical and sexually abused. Intimate violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples. Twenty seven percent of women and nearly 12% of men in the United States have experienced contact sexual, violence, physical, or stalking by an intimate partner (Prevent Domestic Violence in Your Community, 2014). 85% of womenRead MoreThe History of Domestic Violence1784 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction Domestic violence started back in the days of Roman Empire however, it was not recognised in Australia as a crime until the early 70ââ¬â¢s, Davidson, (1977 cited in Edleson, 1999 ). Furthermore, children who witness this crime are only now beginning to be recognised as victims. These victims and the long term effects of witnessing physical abuse in their home on a regular basis is only new territory that statistics are being done, in comparison with adult victims. Domestic abuse is someoneRead MoreVulnerable Populations1382 Words à |à 6 PagesPopulations: Domestic Violence Victims University of Phoenix Domestic violence is something that haunts our society, and has done so for a long time. Critical thinking must be used when dealing with such large scale issues, and domestic violence is no different. The causes and issues with domestic violence are complex, taking an in depth look and truly analyzing the problem is necessary in understanding the problem and making a difference. This paper will discuss domestic violence in depthRead MoreAn Informational Interview: Sarah Buel1041 Words à |à 4 Pagesdifficult to determine an appropriate person for my informational interview. However, following the advice at Quintessential Careers, I focused on my possible career choices (Quintessential Careers, Unk.). What I found was that I was likely to be involved in some type of work involving domestic violence, though I am still uncertain of the nature of that work. As a result, I decide to interview Sarah Buel. Sarah Buel is a noted attorney in the field of domestic violence. Currently a Clin ical Professor and
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